Some E-Bike photos - Click Start below to watch
The fun part
Ease of travel
Nice to use power on sweltering days
Sweat is optional on the way to work
Passing the Spanex guy on the carbon fiber bike - and tinging my little bell as I pass
Providing the lead air break for non-electric bikers
The practical part
Get places faster
Grocery store shopping with trailer
Power cost is trivial
The economics
Cost and life of batteries kills the economics.
It would have been cheaper to use my car.
Same can be said for most other high end bicycles too.
The technical part
Make vs buy?
Design the bike you want and can afford - use the bike simulator
Spokes - This is rather technical to get right. There are typically 2 different length spokes and little margin for error.
Limitations and concerns
Safety - It is inherently dangerous to share the road with cars
Cars underestimate the speed of E-Bikes
High speed travel means more momentum to cause more injuries if you do crash
E-bikes on ice can easily lose traction.
Crossing the road in traffic is actually easier, just twist the throttle if a car waves you by.
sidewalk travel with pedestrians is easier as pedaling is not required.
Rain is an issue as many bike parts are not made for the wet.
48 volts needs to be kept isolated
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