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I/A series stuff


On this Page you will find some Invensys/Foxboro tips:

  1. Using "Radio Buttons" for Display/Control.  This is a handy application that allows the operator to select one and only one value from a list.  He/she might choose one of three pumps by clicking on the appropriate rectangle. By passing an integer to the CALCA block and taking it's exponent, i.e. 1,4, or 8, then bit patterns in the MCIN block can be used backfill the selector button and confirm the operator selection.  As the Display Manager/Foxview does not provide this function it takes a little improvising to make it work.  Only 4 steps in a CALC or CALCA block.

Now that you have made it this far down to the details, you are ready for a quiz:

Does a CALC block continue to execute its steps when it is in "Manual" mode??

How Does a CP keep track of time??  What time is it in a CP that has just booted up??

Does an AP51 (Solaris) have a BIOS??

Does the CHARC block invert the characterization to compute the BCALCO value for initializing upstream blocks??

If you save a file at 11:00EST and E-mail it to someone on the west coast (PST) will the date/time of the file show as 8:00PST or 11:00PST on the west coast computer where it was received??






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Last modified: 5 Jan 2017