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Wind related technology and services
R2Controls and Windtest are interested to provide technology, know-how, and engineering to make wind projects technically and financially successful. Windtest has more than 12 years of experience with various aspects of wind turbine testing and is one of the few organizations that are accredited according to IEC 17025. Wind test has executed more than 2,500 separate engineering projects for clients. When things go wrong it is often possible to look back and trace the root cause to lack of testing, lack of planning, bad data, or insufficient engineering. Wind Power in the US is undergoing an unprecedented period of growth and many simultaneous developments are underway that impact cost, performance, reliability, and risk. Windtest has expertise that you can only get from working closely with turbine manufacturers, developers, operators, and investors. Here are some ways Windtest may be able to help:
If you are an investor in a wind farm:
- Site assessment
- Technical analysis of project proposals
- Risk analysis
- Due diligence
If you are a Turbine manufacturer:
- Manage and perform the testing to establish an accurate power curve based on accredited measurements and test procedures.
- Determine compliance with sound emissions standards.
- Determine compliance to local grid codes and standards for turbine generator system.
- Specifications for measuring the structural loads on foundations, tower structures, and blades. This involves the planning, strain guage sensor installation, management, data acquisition, and the evaluation of test data.
- Research projects for blades, drivetrains, generators, switchgear, instrumentation, condition monitoring, and wind farm automation.
If you are a wind farm developer:
- Specify, manage and set up measurement systems for site assessment: Tower, SODAR, LIDAR and related instruments.
- Data acquisition system specification and setup.
- Site assessments - This involves the experienced use of modeling software such as: WindSim, WindPro, WASP, and other tools and methods.
- Technical and Financial Risk analysis.
- Determine wind turbine shadow interference schedule for homes and businesses.
- Specifications for Instrumentation, Electrical switchgear, and SCADA controls for wind farm condition monitoring, alarming, data acquisition, communications interfaces, and automatic control actions.
If you are an operator of a wind farm:
- Inspection - General, Structural, Electrical, and Mechanical. Inspections can range from simple visual to detailed testing using a range of test equipment and procedures.
- Performance evaluations for actual power production, capacity factor, availability, and system efficiency.
- Upgrades for wind farm instrumentation, control systems, condition monitoring, data historian, and communications.
If you are just interested in Wind Energy here are some useful links for you:
You can find more information, and many downloads at the main Windtest website below and more information about our favored SODAR supplier:

Send mail to rys@R2Controls.com with
questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 18 August 2023